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Welcome to our first newsletter for the year! We hope that 2019 has been kind to you all so far, and that you have been enjoying the warmer weather with your family and friends.

We have some exciting things happening at Mary Street Wellness this year, and are eager to be able to share it all with you.


Howard Frye commenced practice as a chiropractor in 1979 in Noosa Junction. In 2002, he moved his practice to Mary Street. In 2008 he set about developing a family-friendly wellness centre, with a team of like-minded professionals to provide the Noosa region with exceptional wellness care.
The team now consists of Chiropractic, Podiatry, Laser Hair Removal, Dietetics, Counselling, Acupuncture and Massage.


Meet Scott Young

Scott Young will be joining the team at Mary Street Wellness in March, as an associate of our longest serving Chiropractor, Howard Frye. Scott completed his undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree, before going on to complete his Masters of Clinical Chiropractic at Central Queensland University.

In practice Scott utilises a variety of treatment techniques that range from more passive adjustments using the Activator instrument, to the ‘manual’ style adjusting using both Diversified manual technique and Drop-table adjusting. 

Scott has a keen interest in sports and rehabilitation and as such incorporates a number of rehabilitation modalities into his treatments including soft tissue techniques, Smart Tools fascial scrapping, taping and rehabilitation exercises. 

When Scott is not practicing at Mary Street Wellness he enjoys volunteering his services at events such as the University games, Sunshine Coast Ironman and recently spent three weeks caring for people of all ages throughout the remote villages of Espiritu Santo Vanuatu in 2018. 

















Scott has undergone further training in:
- Diversified Technique
- Activator Method Technique 
- Smart Tools (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization tools)
- Rehabilitation Techniques
- Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)
- Thompson Technique
- Rocktape (The worlds best kinesiology tape) 







Noosa Laser Clinic is a boutique clinic, servicing hundreds of valued clients with 40 years experience in skin and hair removal , from top to toe and “everything in between”.

A bit about us...

I’m Catherine, the owner of Noosa Laser Clinic. Championing me along this path, is my trusted side kick, Samantha. We are both dynamic, passionate and highly experienced Laser Technicians and Beauty Therapists.


Our professionalism and confidence brings understanding of the skins philosophy and therefore achieving great results for our clients.  Both of us extend a warm welcome and Happy New Year to all our current and future clients.

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This year promises to be filled with exciting new business ventures. Education has always been a number one priority for us both. We feel it’s important to have the most up to date information available within the laser industry.

We are currently studying Cosmetic Light Based Therapies for Laser Skin Rejuvenation, Pigmentation and General Redness, with the theory component now completed. Upon completion of the practical component, the business will offer skin treatments ranging from laser skin rejuvenation, LED therapy, chemical peels (varying from light to deeper peels) and pigmentation.


Catherine is available in the clinic on Monday, Thursday, Friday and alternate Saturdays each week.

Samantha is available on Tuesday, Wednesday and alternate Saturdays each week.

We currently have our Summer Sale on all of our hottest packages - 

To avoid missing out, please book online, send us an email at or give our friendly team a call on 07 5370 7692.

Sally-Anne Livock APD

Welcome to the New Year and all the challenges it brings.

Each year many of us set ourselves goals - be they for health and wellness, financial, career or personal development.


Each year, often around Easter time (if not before!) these plans are in disarray and we are left once again feeling frustrated and disappointed.

This year I would like to encourage you to take a new perspective to your health and wellness, and look at achieving long lasting changes by modifying your ‘normal’; the way you usually approach your food choices, food behaviours and exercise.

Over the past 25 years I have found by helping clients understand their motivation for change, and using this to formulate simple achievable goals, sustained change is indeed possible.

"People don’t fail diets - diets fail people"

We know diets don’t work, and yet so often clever marketing promising extraordinary results and little effort, entices us to follow the latest trend. Paleo was the new thing in 2018 and the Keto Diet this year. The restrictive nature of these diets ie. eliminating whole food groups (not nutritionally recommended) and having very defined food rules means they are seldom followed long term and old habits and behaviours return.

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I have found that by teaching clients to look at 3 key areas -

What should I eat?  How should I eat?  Why do I eat?

combined with encouraging daily movement or exercise, clients can learn to understand the healthiest food choices for them, develop an insight into their relationship with food, and as such modify their normal habits into new habits that allow them to achieve goals and sustain these changes.

This philosophy works equally as well for those wanting to lose weight, manage their Diabetes, manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Disordered eating.

If this year you want to achieve your Health and Wellness goals, and feel fabulous by Easter, then come and have a chat - I’d love to help you.















Nail polish and Podiatry. What do we think?

Who doesn’t like to put on a nice nail polish to match their outfit, especially as the weather warms up! But what is that pretty colour doing to your nails?

Did you know that your nails are porous, and they absorb what you put onto them?!

Many nail polishes contain ingredients that are listed as POISONOUS (Formaldehyde, toluene, DBP, formaldehyde resin, synthetic camphor xylene, tosylamide, benzophenone-1, animal parts and many other nasties).

In small doses there is no evidence that these are hazardous however, we are sure you would personally prefer to steer away from anything with too many unknown and damaging ingredients.

For this reason, we advise if using regular nail polish brands and visiting a spa, you take these simple steps to protect you and your nails.

- Don’t leave nail polish on for weeks at a time, continually re-coating. Not only do your nails absorb the chemicals within the polish, but it also can potentially hide fungal infections/ damage and prevent you from treating them.

- Ask about the sterilisation processes of the foot spa and instruments. If water is mechanically jetted into the spa, ask how often the workings of the spa are cleaned.

- If you notice your nails turn yellow after wearing polish, try and find one that doesn’t contain FORMALDYDE, and give your nails some breathing time between polish.

* In terms of shellac, gel, SNS and acrylic, we know it looks nice. But getting it off can be very tough on your nails - it generally requires heavy acetone which strips your nails of their natural oils. Over time your nails become thin, brittle and sometimes chipped, which can lead to prolonged damage.

* Take your own nail polish with you.

Is there an alternative? YES

A medical pedicure // Medi + Pedi

A Medi + Pedi is a non-invasive, medical grade pedicure that focuses on the hygienic and aesthetic care for the toenails and feet using organic vegan non-chemically enriched products.

If you're scared of poor infection control at your nail spa, disappointed by poor service and quality, or your podiatrist is not giving you that aesthetic finish you are after.. Then this is the pedicure for you.

The Medi + Pedi deference

+ All reusable Instruments are of medical grade quality and processed using an ultrasonic cleaner then sterilised in a high-pressure steam Autoclave (steriliser).

+ All our services are performed to medical grade standards.

+ Jet footbaths are not used as we cannot guarantee cleanliness and sterility. Instead a specialist footbath which can be sterlised is used.

+ Single use disposable items can be taken home with you after the treatment. They are never reused.

+ Only a podiatrist can safely and effectively remove dry hard skin, corns, diagnose fungal infection and treat ingrown toenails.

Should you require your nails polished, Dr Remedy’s nail polishes is used. Dr Remedy’s enriched nails polish is a line of podiatrist formulated polishes and nail treatments. The polish is enriched with, Tea Tree Oil, Biotin, Lavender, Wheat Protein, Garlic Bulb Extract and Vitamins C and E. It does not contain any of the nasties.

Dr Remedy’s nail polish is nourishing to the nails and will not damage or discolor the nails.

We stock a wide range of Dr Remedy’s nail polish’s and nail treatments, all available for purchase.

Health Fund Rebates for the Podiatry component of your Medi + Pedi Available.

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