
Sally is a senior Accredited Practicing Dietitian with over 30 years’ experience as a Clinical Dietitian, working in both the Public and Private sectors.
Sally is the current consultant dietitian at The Sunshine Coast Private Hospital and has extensive clinical experience, previously holding the position as consultant dietitian at Noosa, Selangor and Sunshine Coast Private Hospitals.
Sally has extensive experience in private practice having built a large private practice on the Sunshine Coast over the past 25 years. She has developed specialist skills in the management of Eating Disorders while working closely with CYHMS, EDOS and specialist teams.
Sally also has experience with Bariatrics – having worked as the dietitian in a large Bariatric practice for the past 15 years.
Sally has also developed a client centred counselling approach to the management of weight loss, diabetes, and chronic disease.
She has a passion for education and mentoring and is currently the Manager of the Teaching Clinic at the University of the Sunshine Coast, where she provides teaching and supervision to final year dietetic students.
Sally’s philosophy is empowering clients via education, coaching, and support to achieve their health goals. She looks forward to working with clients to help achieve their health goals.